まずは普段使うフレーズ、日本独特の「お疲れ様です」文化について。(「IN/SECTS 」Vol.14 「言葉は楽しい」特集、簡さんの「日本語まだまだこれから勉強記」P.52参照)
「これはどう見ても、“さちくへヌム”やね。」 漢字を簡略化したような記号や、女子高生が書くような手書き風のかわいいフォントで表示されたような、ひらがなに見える文字がある。わからなさの中に一つの焦点が見えて嬉しくなるが、さちくへヌムではない。
ふと思ったのだけど、日本語話者の私が注音符号の「ㄜㄘㄑㄟㄡㄙ」を「さちくヘヌム」に見えたということは、逆の立場の簡さんもはじめて日本語のひらがなとカタカナを見たときには「さちくヘヌム」が「ㄜㄘㄑㄟㄡㄙ」に見えたのでは? 簡さん聞いてみたところ、そんなこともあったなぁというような笑いと共に肯定していた。
My first writing experience in Taiwanese Mandarin
Do you remember how you learn writing characters of your language at the first time in your life?
My mother tongue is Japanese, and I’ve started studying English since I was in junior high school. Actually, I don’t have any memories about writing characters in both languages in the beginning. Even though I still would like to share the experience that I’ve begun learning Taiwanese Mandarin from spring this year.
I really enjoy learning new languages, even just writing Taiwanese Mandarin characters, I recalled to learn foreign language is fun through that experience.
One of the members of the INSECTS,Mr. Kan, who is a designer from Taiwan. He teaches us some Taiwanese Mandarin phrases.
The characters that are used in Taiwan look like kind of different than in other asia country. I think that look like more complicated than the Japanese ones.
I truly wonder how Taiwanese children memorize such difficult characters.
I tried to ask Mr.Kan that question, then he told me that they learn characters by ‘Bopomofo(ㄅㄆㄇㄈ)’.
When I looked at a table of Bopomofo, I couldn’t catch anything at all. I felt those were really unfamiliar characters to me, but as what I said that I always felt excited about that unfamiliar things. More tha that,I found some similar shapes to the Japanese in the Bopomofo. I got a feeling which is more closer to Taiwanese Mandarin. In fact, Those don’t have the same meaning and sound with the Japanese ones even the shapes look alike it is.
I tried to write a table of Bopomofo in my notebook. Those aren’t so much letters as a picture to me. I just traced them, found a point of one letter, for example ‘this curve is a smooth texture and the other letter has a square shape that looks like a window. I imagined hanging in the window and changed the size of my body to the same size as the letters, At that time, I felt like I was playing with those characters.
Besides, English is my second language, and I am still learning it day by day. Sometimes I felt frustrated that I could not use English very well in some occasion.
I still remember the feeling I wrote the Taiwanese characters for the first time, It’s really enjoyed for me. I’d like to continue to learn. It is full of enjoyment even sometimes I felt bad at it.
Learning new languages isn’t an intractable thing. On the other hand, It could make me keep curiosity for everything and explore this big world.
Thank you for reading my essay.
See you again in a few weeks!
Marie Hashimoto (Graphic Designer)